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A fossil thrips is described using a single compression fossil from an Upper Cretaceous deposit, the Orapa Diamond Mine in Botswana. It is the first record of a Cretaceous thrips from Africa. It is diagnosed by the following characteristics: general habitus; narrow, straplike forewing and hindwing with fringe cilia; with forewing becoming progressively larger in distal third; and abdomen with dense transversal rows of microtrichia and terminal setae. The specimen is complete, except that the antennae are absent. At Orapa, the fossil thrips would have been possibly found feeding on leaves, stem or flower tissues of both gymnosperms and angiosperms in and around the crater lake. The fossil thrips adds to the taxonomic diversity of the Orapa fauna. Moreover, it broadens the knowledge of the diversity, geography and evolution of Mesozoic Thysanoptera.

Keywords: epiclastic kimberlite; crater lake; Turonian; Africa; Southern Hemisphere
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Contributor Notes

Corresponding author (email:
ORCiD Numbers: 0000–0002–3077–2162 (Mnguni S.), 0000–0002–6651–9660 (Badenhorst S.) and 0000–0003–0667–130X (Bamford M.K.).
Received: May 24, 2024
Accepted: Jun 11, 2024