A survey was conducted between 2019 and 2022 to identify natural enemies of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), in the provinces of Şırnak, Siirt, Batman, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şanlıurfa, Adıyaman, Gaziantep, and Kilis in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Sampling using several different techniques was conducted in agricultural, nonagricultural, and forested areas throughout the duration of the study. We identified natural enemies of B. tabaci, which causes significant crop losses in Turkey and worldwide, with the objective of reducing chemical control in favor of promoting biological control of the pest in the coming years. In our survey, we collected and identified 37 species of predators and 2 species of parasitoids as natural enemies. Of those, the greatest number of species were from the family Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). Coccinella septempunctata (L.), Hippodamia variegata (Goeze), and Orius laevigatus (Fieber) were found in all provinces surveyed.Abstract
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