Eggs of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) were collected in a forested area near Tixkokob, Yucatan, Mexico. The time of juvenile development was monitored under semicontrolled conditions in a home environment in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. We also amplified and sequenced a fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 mitochondrial gene from the field collected A. albopictus to evaluate its genetic similarities with populations from other regions. Over 7 mo, we monitored ovitraps and collected the eggs that were deposited. We transported and counted the eggs in the insectary then transported them to a home where we induced them to hatch and reared them to adulthood. We recorded the development of each immature stage and the daily temperature and relative humidity. We collected a total of 6,891 eggs; 25.67% of the larvae progressed to the pupal stage, and 17.44% reaching adulthood. Among the emerging adults, A. albopictus was the most abundant, accounting for 81.95%. The remaining adults were Aedes epactius Dyar & Knab, Aedes cozumelensis Diaz Nájera, Aedes scapularis (Rondani), and Aedes podographicus Ingår. The average development time from the first instar larval stage to adulthood of A. albopictus was 8.9 days at 29.67 ± 0.84°C and 71.66 ± 3% relative humidity. The A. albopictus specimens were most genetically similar to A. albopictus from the Republic of the Congo, India, Brazil, and China, indicating the wide global dispersion of this mosquito. These findings provide basic information on the effect of the temperature and humidity in a typical house in Merida on the A. albopictus life cycle.Abstract
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